Native American Encyclopedia Shut Down due to lack of funding

How upsetting this is to find that the Native American Encyclopedia website has been shut down due to lack of funding.  Currently they are attempting to acquire funding threw this link
I love learning about any and all things Native American however I am finding it harder and harder to do that.  It is as if we as a nation do not want to remember the history of these great people.  I am as I know most american's are part Native American even if it is only 1% so I find it very disconcerting that we don't care to cherish our past.  Why don't we have a national Native American Holiday we have an entire month for African Americans.  We have a memory day for presidents and our fourth of July when we took this place.  So why don't we have more celebration for our Native American Heritage? Lets do something about it now.


Toni said…
Personally, I think Americans would do well to take the Native American culture to heart and learn the values of what our creator intended for us as inhibitors of this planet. The craze of becoming unplugged is just one example of human nature understanding the need to get back to basics and recognize that we have been given every thing we need to sustain ourselves from the earth. These values should be taught in our public schools, yet without the "Native American Encyclopedia," this endeavor may be difficult, not to mention legislative bureaucracy. It's like the instruction manual to life.
Just a thought.