30 Little things that mean a lot to kids
30 Little things that mean a lot to kids
So I found this really cool article in Parent Magazine written by Margery D. Rosen
1 wear that macaroni necklace to work. well, at least until you're safely out the door.
2 tape a family mantra or slogan (unstoppable!we can, we will! we've got this!)to your refrigerator door and invoke it whenever your child feels discouraged.
3 Go for a walk with just one child.
4 Slip a note ( and an occasional piece of chocolate) into her lunch box
5 Build your own Minecraft world alongside his.
6 say yes to something usually off limits like sitting on the counter
7 Show as much enthusiasm on amusement-park rides as they do.
8 If you quarrel in front of your child, make sure that he also sees you make up
9 when her room looks like a tsunami swept through it, close the door and get on with your day
10 Skype or do FaceTime with Grandma every now and then
11 If your child has given it a good try, but he's still miserable and anxious and really, truly wants to quit the team, give him your blessing
12 Go ahead: Let your 4-year-old stomp in every puddle along the way. Even without rain boots
13 Get out the glitter glue and make a birthday card for your child
14 Take in a pet that needs a home - and a child's love.
15 Give your toddler a chance to fight his own battles in the sandbox or on the playground before you intervene.
16 Hold off with the barrage of how-was-your-day questions if your child comes home from school grumpy and tired. You can always get the rundown at the dinner table.
17 Cultivate your own rituals and traditions Taco Tuesdays, Sunday-afternoon bike ride, apple picking every fall.
18 Ask your kid to teach you how to do something for a change. and once you get the hang of it, be sure to tell him what a good teacher he is.
19 Let your child wear her dress-up clothes to the supermarket. All month if she wants to.
20 Let your child overhear you saying something wonderful about her.
21 Stay up late to see the full moon. There's one on October 27th
22 Print their childhood photos so they have something physical to look at one day
23 Don't be n a hurry to tell your kid to let go. He needs to vent too.
24 Cook hear-shaped pancakes for breakfast.
25 Crank up the music in the middle of homework and have a dance party
26 Make a secret family handshake
27 Hang a whiteboard in her room to leave messages for each other
28 Start a pillow fight
29 Share your old diaries, photos, and letters from when you were her age.
30 Thank your child when he does a chore on his own --even if it's just hanging up a wet towel without prompting or refilling the empty water pitcher.