My Daily Prayer

I love this image.  It seriously captures how I feel.  I come from a very dark and scary past one where the scares have residual effects on my present.  My salvation story is one for the books that is for sure or at least I believe it is and I also believe that God saved me in order to show his Glory threw me.  How much more often than not I encounter my fellow Christians and they have been christian all their lives or at least surrounded by good christian families all their life.   So when I tell them my story they all stop and ponder for a moment how truly powerful God is and when I express to them my utter faith, love and respect for God and how powerful his touch has been to me they tell me it often renews their own faith in God and inspires them to keep up the Good work they have been doing for so long.  This is not the post in which I will share my store as it is much to late and my eyes are drooping however very soon possibly tomorrow I will share it with you and my prayer is that your faith will be renewed and your love for Jesus will be reinvigorated.
